Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Shut Up About the Polls Already


I am so tired of the polls I could scream  -- in fact I just did, but you probably didn't hear me.

Polls, polls, polls, polls, he's up, she's up, he's down, she's down. If you paint your finger nails pink you are in the group that votes for (fill in the blank, but only if you went to university and can do a cart wheel.)

They poll on what people who think (blank) about the economy. What they should be doing is showing economic figures under misc. presidents and the source. 

Who do you trust? List the lies with proof that a candidate lied and how much. What was the truth.

On and on...give me the facts not what people think about the alleged facts.

Will this ever be over?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And unfortunately the polls often sway people's opinions - totally wrong. Even here in Switzerland they are starting to talk about forbidding poles - that would be a step in the right direction.