Wednesday, October 02, 2013

When hating is fun even

We are taught not to hate.

Hating can be healthy if properly applied.

I feel justified in hating what my friends in Syria are suffering. Anyone saying I love that people I care about are ducking bombs, needs more than a shrink.

And I can hate injustice of which there is too much in the world.

I can hate banksters.

These are global hates. Some we can do things about such as sign petitions, write letters, make phone calls. It may not change anything, but at least it takes away the helpless feeling of doing nothing.

On a totally personal level I can hate anyone who hurts me or those that I love, but to keep that up is pretty useless. It doesn't bother the perp in the least and wears me out.

Here I'm talking the more casual hate that we may say many times a day...

At one point my daughter was in DC and I was in Switzerland and I'd get an email from her saying, "Have I told you I hate ..."and she'd name the database she was working on.

About half the time I was working with my database and I'd reply, "Have I told you I hate..."and I would name my database.

There's the hate of just missing the bus, dropping an egg, baby hates.

Today was the day I billed clients. Thanks to my wonderful business partner who introduced me to paypal the system is much easier, but I still hate doing any admin...billing included...even if it means money coming in.

Hating billing is a baby hate. Saying it keeps me from having an ulcer.

Years ago when I worked for a credit union we had a very demanding clientele and sometimes crazy. People would complain if they had to wait in a two-person line, if we didn't give an ATM card to their kitty cat and that the pretty blond teller refused to deliver his withdrawal to his motel room. 

We created a client voodoo doll. Anyone who had an ugly or crazy client--who officially was always right--would storm into my office, get the doll and twist its little arms and legs. "Ah, that's better they would say" as they left.

My question now, how can I make an admin voodoo doll?

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