Monday, April 07, 2014

The surrogate bed hog

Rick often writes late into the night or rather into the early morning. It is not unusual for him to crawl into bed at 2, 3 or even 5 as the garbage trucks are beginning their rounds. I've been in bed for hours at that point. 

Now I’m a restless sleeper at best and he has had to fight his way under the covers by changing my position from diagonal to vertical.

To drive the point home, and since he arrived back in Argelès a day earlier than I did, he decided to try and demonstrate what he often sees. When I first walked into the bedroom to begin unpacking, for a moment I had a Goldilocks moment of "Who is sleeping in my bed?"

He used my PJ’s, the red blanket and my wig to create a surrogate bed hog.

Point made.

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