Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Being teased

The scene: Tuesday morning. Rick and I are walking down the street in Argelès.

The backstory: When I worked for Interskill and travelled management always insisted we make every second account. Also if we missed a plane, we had to pay for the ticket. Thus I often came close to missing flights. More times then I want to count I've run through airports carrying my high heels to make the gate before it closed. Thus I try and be extra early now. Even with the train station only a 6 minute walk I usually leave the house 45 minutes early.


Rick: Do you want to go to the train station?

Me: Why?

Rick: So you'll be there on time.

Me: But my train isn't until tomorrow.

Rick: (Ignoring what I said). We could take sleeping bags, spend the night, be there in plenty of time.

Conclusion: I know when I'm being teased.

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