D-L Nelson is a Swiss-Canadian writer and journalist. Visit her website http://dlnelsonwriter.com
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Day 27 Flash Fiction Marathon: Quickie--a story that occurs within a single minute.
She wasn't sure it was him. It had been at least ten years since they broke up, not because they wanted to, but the parental pressure had been too great. "You don't mix religions," they said.
His hair was shorter, her hair was longer.
She couldn't be sure. Normally she never made sudden decisions, weighing the what ifs for ever.
He was looking in a store window and was alone.
The traffic was heavy, but she rushed between cars. "Ted?"
The man turned around, not recognizing her. Maybe she made a mistake, but he had turned to the name Ted. But then he cocked his head. "Jennifer?"
They had coffee, caught up on old times, and were together the rest of their lives.
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