Saturday, April 30, 2022

Jetlag Brainstorming


It was 3 a.m. in Boston, 9 a.m. in Argelès. 

We were in Boston for our second night and still jet lagged. Had we been in Argelès, we would be just getting up, having had our morning tea in bed and reading bits and pieces to each other. Rick would have walked the dog and crawled back in bed.

Staying awake earlier in the evening had been difficult so we went to bed about 9 p.m.

Rick woke first around three and was thinking of ideas about his work.

I woke second thinking about the day ahead where I would finally meet the Minuteman Park Ranger who had been so helpful in my research for my novel Lexington: Anatomy of a Novel. I was also thinking of the project I'm currently working on.


We started sharing ideas throwing out one concept after another. We were each writing down what we wanted to make sure we remembered. And then it was almost five in the morning Boston time. 

We tried to sleep. It didn't work. Instead we were up, showered and off to breakfast at our favorite Dempseys and Lexington to meet with the Ranger who helped so much in our research.

I think one of the things I enjoy most in my marriage is that we share ideas in our chosen work. However, maybe not at 3 a.m. on a regular basis...or then again, maybe 3 a.m. is more than okay.

Rick has done a dueling blog.

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