Monday, May 22, 2023

Solving the border



1. Set up an internet employment office that every company that can't find employees and plug in a border immigrant. There could be levels such as fruit picker, dish washer, along with higher levels. That would solve the need for workers that Americans won't do those jobs.

2. Have the new employer pay transportation and provide minimal housing. Pay the immigrant the going wage.

3. Finally make sure that ALL consulates and embassies have the capacity to handle asylum requests.

4. Shut down the School of the Americas at Fort Benning Georgia. It has trained and torturers, dictators, and massacres throughout the Western Hemisphere and is still active. 

5. Set up English/culture classes to help the immigrants integrate at least on some basic level.

I wonder of those who fight the entry of immigrants, how many of them could survive what they have survived. 

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