Saturday, January 18, 2014

What does a salt lick look like

Rick and I were engaged in conversation and I lost track of the carrots steaming on the stove. The result, a burned pan bottom.

I try not to use Teflon or any Teflon type pots and pans. I don't trust the chemicals. It is harder and harder to find alternatives so saving this pan's life became paramount.

Housemate J to the rescue (cue the William Tell Overture see above)

Granted she didn't come riding in on a white horse


 she did send an email.

"PAN: a thin layer of salt, then enough water to cover burnt part, boil until salt starting to look like a salt lick, wee bit more water, let sit overnight and repeat as many times as needed. Usually if you do that straight away it only takes one time. And if it really doesn't want to come off then try th salt and vinegar with again a very little boiling water. Throw in some cloves and you can make the place smell good as well."

The only thing I don't know what a salt lick looks like.  There's always the second step with the vinegar and cloves.

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