Thursday, November 06, 2014

I love the French Health Care System

I'd been experiencing some discomfort in my side. As a cancer survivor with an overwhelmingly good imagination, I was thinking the worse.

Since it will be a few weeks before I'm back in Geneva, I went to the French doctor that Rick and I see when we are down here. 

Those who fear socialized medicine and long waits...well I did have time to read a half a magazine before he saw me. I never got to the George Clooney wedding photos.

He probed, listened and manipulated etc. "It's your sciatica," he said. He explained. It made sense.

Cost 23 Euros or US$28.

I left with a prescription for my esophagus medicine (3 months), something for my diarrhea and a cream.

Cost 15 Euros or $20.03 at today's exchange rate. If I were on the French health care system I will get 90% back. As it is my Swiss system will pay less for everything than on month of the esophagus medicine.

Easy, comprehensive, competent.

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