Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Taxi values

I collect taxi drivers...well not the drivers themselves but their stories.

Riding to our hotel from the Dublin airport we met Brian.

He told us how he had worked on the oil rigs but hadn't enough money for his retirement so he was driving a taxi.

He said he finished paying off his mortgage in 1999 which helped and he bragged about his autistic grandson. He was so proud of what his grandson WAS not what he WASN'T.

He is good friends with the neighbours and their children are often at his house.

He talked about the importance of saving and makes sure that he saves something for his grandchildren every paycheck.

The conversation turned to credit unions (Any time I mention a credit union to an Irish person they have a credit union story.) He's a board member and believes in the principles of saving and borrowing together, helping your friends and family.

He hummed as he got back into the car after taking out our luggage.

His values, his happiness made us happy too.

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