Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 a year with boxes not resolutions.

I don't do resolutions, but I do do boxes each year.

Each box represents how I want to live my life. It's an ongoing process. When I succeed the boxes are filled at the end of the year. They can also be half filled, 25% filled etc.

My boxes -- not in order of importance:

I have not gone into ANY debt and I've saved. I will live under my income and have for at least the lat 25 years. FULL

Family and family of choice
I've tried to show how much I appreciate them, love them and will stand by them, accepting them as they are (kinda easy because they are so wonderful). I will treat them with respect. And we will have fun together. FULL

I've written books, blogs, haikus, emails, FB postings, news articles, short stories.  2015 will have no news stories because I've retired from this type of writing. I will continue to write, because frankly, I can't not write. FULL

I want to keep my carbon footprint down. Not as good in the past year. Because of Rick we now use paper towels, aluminum foil, cling film. We have a car, albeit (J and Rick notice albeit) one with good mileage. HALF FULL

I've tried to maintain my friends with consideration and caring. ALMOST FULL

I've tried to express my opinion in demonstrations, letters, blogs, FB, anyway possible to counter the terrible things going on in the world. Stand up for the things I believe in.  Effort FULL, SUCCESS EMPTY. 2015 try harder.

Keep learning by reading newspapers from different countries, watching programs from different countries, read books on subjects I don't know anything about, take a course. Try to develop new skills.  Explore, explore, explore. ABOUT 80% FULL

Reading for fun

An ongoing battle. I will always battle this one. 10-50% FULL depending.

Giving and receiving. FULL FULL

Overall holding my own. I do what I can to stay healthy. 90% FULL

Higher than I want. If junk is in the house I will eat it. Perhaps we need a safe for Rick's junk and only he has the combination. Age does not reduce vanity nor will I try. I accept I'm not as cute as I was at 20 but I want to look good or better for my age. 50% EMPTY

I can add or eliminate boxes as necessary. 

The idea they are ongoing means that when I don't do well one week, there's next week or next month.

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