Sunday, December 21, 2014

The best Christmas present

Scene: Dublin airport Arrivals

Observations: Rick notices that pilots long black bag contains golf clubs. (He can spot a course, club or golf ball at about two miles.)

Sign: The best Christmas present is about to walk through these doors.

Reunion 1: An Irish family, husband, grandpa, four kids including a baby on the shoulders of the father are waiting for for their family now living in Florida.

The doors open and the Florida family comes out. One is a child of three pulling a suitcase. She sees her cousins, screams, drops the case and runs as fast as she can to the waiting arms. A KLM stewardess picks up the case and takes it to the family.

Reunion 2: The doors open and Llara comes out and sees Rick waving Scooby.

We hug. I cry.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" she asks.

"I'm pregnant," I say.

She knows it isn't true. 

We pass Santa and she agrees to pose with him with the eye rolling that is so much a part of our family communication.

Christmas has begun. The best present has arrived.


1 comment:

Angela said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family.