Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Flower apologies

Most of the US is under snow and incredible cold and snow. Places like Texas are paying the price for sloppy regulations and privatization. I wish them heat, electricity.

I'm a New Englander by birth and spirit. I love winter and snow. 

I've such good memories of snow days when school and work were cancelled. We'd hopped back in bed with hot chocolate, put on sweats, spent the day reading, writing, playing games, doing chores that usually took up weekend free time. We would watch out the window at the white veil creating a silent, magic land.

I love the sound of the crunch of snow under my feet, cold nibbling my cheeks, the softeness of falling white flakes, icicles hanging from the windows.

Geneva often gets less snow than the rest of Switzerland. Hopefully, we will be able to drive to it in the next couple of weeks. Sherlock, our dog, who hates water, doesn't consider frozen, white stuff water and loves it.

In our garden today, I saw a brave little flower. It was warm enough that my sweater kept me warm.

Spring is wonderful, but I'm not through with winter.

Spring talk to me in another month.

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