Saturday, February 20, 2021

Tea time


Years ago when I lived in Boston my housemates and I would often have tea when we first came home. We would chat about our day and plan whatever we would do for dinner.

On weekends it might include a neighbor with something special to nibble--anything from a sweet to a delicate sandwich. 

A ritual to look forward to on a bad day and a mini celebration on a good one.

Although Rick and I both write at home often within a few feet of one another, around four many afternoons we will have a cup of tea and some kind of sweet, especially during the winter. 

Rick had found the most luscious strawberries when he was at Co-op. We also had chocolate in the closet. A mini chocolate fondue was the answer for afternoon tea.

Today we have a special chocolate cake which we will have after Smerconish. Not sure yet what kind of tea. It doesn't matter what kind. It is the sharing.


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