Friday, April 09, 2021

Madame A. Retires


Madame Auer, the proprietor of the Argelès dry cleaners (pressing) is retiring after 50 years of serving the village. She doesn't look old enough, with her trim figure, smooth skin and blond hair, to have spent 50 years doing the same job.

Madame Auer has the same last name as my friend and brother want-to-be RB2. It is the name of the architect of the Swiss parliament, and of one of the best chocolatiers in Geneva. At one time we brought her a box in an Auer bag.

We often saw her on the street to exchange greetings as she walked her late three-legged Yorkie and we walked Sherlock.

Her smile was catching. Her greetings to Sherlock as warm if not warmer than to us. I suspect we will continue to chat as we spy one another.

Although we will miss her service, we hope she enjoys her retirement as much as we love ours.


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