Sunday, April 11, 2021

Waking up


After decades of getting up early to exercise, walk the dog (s) eat and get to work, one of the best things about retirement is staying in bed and reading. Rick brings me tea and a biscuit and I wake up to the delightful odor of different teas. So good to sip and bite as I delve into a book, The New Yorker and/or my laptop. Rick does the same. We read bits and pieces to each other that we want to share.

I use my Annie clock, made by a friend and featuring my concept of Annie Young, the heroine of my Third Culture Kid mysteries, to actively enjoy not rushing. We still are up between 8 or 9 depending how interesting what we are reading is.

Then my eyes roam the art work and out to the patio. I love my bedroom. I love my heart sheer curtains. I love looking out on the patio. I love my husband. I love my dog who is usually in no more of a rush to get up than we are. I love me life.


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