Sunday, August 28, 2022


They say things happen in threes. Usually "they" are those mysterious people who spout folk wisdom.

Yesterday was when we were about to live the things come in threes scenario with three problems.

No. 1: I heard a crash while I was still in bed.

There was a plaque that we had resting on the floor waiting to be hung. A local craftsman had created a scene with a horse in a stable. I suppose the good news is that we can cross the hanging off our to-do list.

 No. 2: Our washing machine comes with a variety of time settings most at three hours minutes or more. There is one alternative of an hour. I usually chose the one hour setting. It was no longer a choice. No matter what I did, the settings were in the three-hour range. My clothes aren't that dirty. Rick went to search for the manual. Spoiler alert: Today, it was back to normal before he had a chance to try his handyman talents. I suspect a gremlin living inside.

 No. 3: To turn on our TV we have three remotes with various combinations of buttons and a rain dance or two to get what we are trying to watch. It gives us a choice of thousands, okay maybe hundreds, of choices from all over the world. In reality we watch maybe five or six, mostly national and international news, golf and Netflix. One of the boxes would not work. Miscellaneous combinations were tried. Before I could get out the incense, candles and book of chants, Rick was able to get it working. I did involve us trying a pile of batteries and finally buying new ones.

Okay, we joked, there's our three things going wrong.

That night we went to the last street ball of the summer season. We took Sherlock, who did not settle down. Rick decided to walk the pup him home. The square where the ball was held was only a block away. He was gone longer than I thought.

No. 4:"Good thing I went home," he said when he came back. Seems a fuse had been blown. Our flat is in a 400-year-old building and when the building was turned into two apartments, totally separating the electricity became too challenging. Every now and then is an overlapping problem with the fuses. Once discovered which fuse was responsible, upstairs and downstairs had light.

I wish I could find out who the "they" are who say things come in threes. I would tell them to up it to four. Maybe another example of inflation.

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