Thursday, August 01, 2013

An A+ day full of Bs

Breakfast with bacon

Once I smell bacon there is no way I can not eat it. Rick made us eggs and bacon before we cleaned the kitchen in anticipation of J's arrival from the chalet where she'd spent the last few days.

Bench and Breeze

Very few summer days are perfect:  right temperature, right breeze. Rick and I went down to the lake (less than 5 mins. by foot) and sat on a bench for almost two hours watching the boats, the airplanes, kids playing nearby. Then there were the two teenage boys who jogged by only to hop off the dock for a swim.

A master threw his dog's frisbee in the water and dog went after it and after it. Do dogs ever think after bringing back a Frisbee, stick or ball for the upty-umpth time..."What is wrong with my master. I keep giving it to him and he keeps throwing it away?"

Rick and I chatted, sometimes about important things like our ceremony next week, other times, just silly things. There were moments when we just sat there, lost in the contentment.


Behind "our bench" was this one perfect pink bloom in front of what I call a "paint-by-number" tree. Their bark reminds me of the painting sets I had as a child. I know they have a real name, but I prefer the one I've christened them with.


Rick keeps papers and books scattered all over. I take out a piece of paper then put it away. I love clean surfaces. Before anyone thinks I'm criticizing him, let me continue. His closets and drawers are neat. Mine look like a mini tornado hit them. Opening them could cause being buried under stacks of unrelated stuff.

My publisher sends me advance copies of my novels. Some I use to encourage reviews, others I give away but they were all hidden and helter skelter. He spent the afternoon organizing my life finding my passport and other missing items that I just knew were in the room somewhere. Mostly he now has all my books, those I've written, those I read, those I use for research all in order.


"What time do you want to party tonight?" J asked.

I didn't know we were planning to, but since we are so good at finding an excuse to celebrate just existing the idea of a party was more than fine. When I entered the kitchen there were little cakes, a birthday candle and a card, a delayed celebration because on my birthday I was in the hospital getting my face anchored with plates and screws.

However as we nibbled and sipped we discovered that the bubbles in my glass were heavier than in J's glass which were heavier than in Rick's glass. Hmmmm... The champagne had been poured within seconds of each other from the same bottle. Hmmm. Let's try a different order, we thought and this time Rick's glass was filled first and mine last.

Nope, same thing. I suggested I had the most bubbles because we were celebrating my birthday +1 week.

They said they didn't think physics would bear out my theory. By trying the champagne in a shot glass (quelle horreur) we decided that the configuration of the glass was a bubble-determination.

And I decided that I had had an A+ day.

1 comment:

Ginger Dawn...A Spice Below The Horizon said...

Really enjoyed this post! Thank you!