Friday, March 28, 2014

I'm sorry, General


I love Skype.  I can talk to my daughter in Boston. I get to meet my new grand kitty and I can see her flat.

I can talk to Rick when we're separated and sometimes when we are in the same room if he wants to send me something.

My housemate and I use Skype when she's working in the basement and I'm working in my room two flights up.

I've used Skype for interviews. 

However, I have no desire to add General Wesley Clark or David Petraeus to my list of people I connect to on Skype. Nor any of the other generals sending me regular invitations.

As a pacifist, I'm not interested in any general. Nor can I think of any reasons on this planet, no make that this universe, why they would want to talk to me.

And I'm curious why when I get a civilian stranger (yes, I get them too) they always claim to be from Florida or Texas.

Yesterday I got a request from another high ranker in Afghanistan and he went into a bit of detail about life there...however whoever is running these scams was sloppy. The return address was Ghana.

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