Sunday, May 09, 2021

At the beach and a nice bum


We debated not taking Sherlock to the beach when we woke to high, high winds then decided to go ahead anyway. So glad we did.

He got excited as we approached the parking lot and proceeded to try to qualify for a 5K race as soon as he was released from the back seat. 

We were slower walking, enjoying the sound of the surf and the smell of the water. We watched the skill of a wind surfer.

The umbrellas and refreshment stand have already set up for the tourists that will come if/when shutdowns are eased.

Breakfast cravings caused us to head home, but not without a short walk through the flowered dunes first. 

Back at the car, the wind surfer was changing his clothes. The French have never been shy about stripping at the beach. Although he was on the other side of his car, I had a perfect view of his nicely shaped rear through the side windows.

I guess I still have some inhibitions because I didn't call out as I wanted to, "Vous avez un beau cul," but I wasn't sure how rude the term cul was. I know in English there are different levels of meaning for bum, rear, butt and ass and when it is appropriate to use them. No French class will do the same for cul, feses, etc.

Better to behave like the proper lady my mother wanted me to be -- this time.

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