Thursday, May 27, 2021

Loves and lies


                                           Newsroom talks about the greatest country


How many times have I heard, "I love my country?" or "I love my flag?"


Countries are all pieces of dirt with artificial boundaries. Flags are pieces of cloth.

When asked why someone loves their country or flag, people will come up with reasons, often learned by rote in school. Or have listened to a single source or or or... Some of it is true. Some of it is lies.

I bought the history of my country until I was a student teacher in 1967. Israel had just won a war. I'd rooted for Israel. Then I heard the Palestinian side of the story from an articulate young woman who had lived through her family being thrown off their land to form Israel. I wondered how I would feel if I were thrown out of my country to give it to the Pennecock Indians who lived there before I did.

The more I read of history, the more I learned the seedy side existed from the beginning. Only the good parts seemed to be what I was taught and yes they were good. Unfortunately, it was only part of the story.

There's the lovely concept of the first Thanksgiving feast with the Indians as guests. No teacher mentioned the Indians that died from the smallpox infected blankets given to them by the new settlers.

There are current textbooks showing happy slaves. Really?

"Love it or leave it," was a counter chant during the Vietnam War protest. Young men went to fight. Some didn't come back. Some came back maimed physically and/or mentally. They were told they were defending their country. Another lie. Even McNamara, a participant in the decisions of the time, admitted it.

It could take several books to write about all the things done wrong over the centuries. They would have many truths. Some of the good things done were truths too.

I was told my country was exceptional and the best country in the world. Newsroom (photo above listed stats on why it wasn't.)

When people criticize the country for taking a knee, people howl. However, when there's an insurrection that invades the capital threatening to kill two leaders, there's far less objection.

Why do we have to love our country, wherever it is? Almost all countries are made up artificial boundaries ruled by governments where power for the leaders is more the reality than trying to serve the entire population. 

I can love red leaves of a New England fall, the snow-covered Alps in Switzerland because of their beauty. I can be fascinated by the history of Scotland and the sound of bag pipes. 

Even more important, I love my daughter, my husband, my dog, my friends. 

More important not seeing the weaknesses of a country by the population because the people have been blinded by propaganda and lies means problems are ignored or get worse. Punishing those that speak the truth instead of blindly loving a bit of dirt and a piece of cloth just makes things worse.


1 comment:

Sylvia Petter said...

Yep! And Liders can really screw things up.