Monday, May 31, 2021

Boys vs. Girls


"What are we working on," My gynie asked as I was in the last throes of labor.

"It has to be a boy." This was in pre-sonar gram days.

A few minutes later I heard a loud cry. "It's a girl," my gynie said.

"Didn't you just say you wanted a boy?"

"My husband wanted a boy. I never wanted one."

It was true. I never wanted a son. Perhaps it was because of my horrible little brother, who had perfected tantrums as a tool to get his way and creatively made my life unpleasant regularly. If you ask him, he may tell you about how I stole his last precious cupcake, but I can counter with I never threw a suitcase full of books at him while he was walking downstairs.

That day, I packed my suitcase and went to stay with my best friend for several days until her parents and my mother convinced me I should go home.

I think if my daughter would have been a boy, when I divorced, I would have given custody to my husband. I would have been the weekend parent. I would not make a good parent to a boy.  If I had a son, he would have better off with his father.  I don't understand boys. I do know how the beady little minds of girls work. Some people would think me horrible for admitting this.

The stats back me up partially on number of each gender. From

"The sex ratio at birth is not equal: in every country births are male-biased. There are biological reasons why there are slightly more boys born every year than girls. The ‘natural’ sex ratio at birth is around 105 boys per 100 girls (ranging from around 103 to 107 boys)."

A good-good friend had two sons. Her two siblings produced two sons each. Her son had a son. Finally one nephew had a girl. My French daughter has two sons and her brother fathered two sons. Where I worked there were many women giving birth over 10 years. I only remember one girl being born. My niece has had three handsome boys.

Now some of these boys are lovely little chaps in different stages of adorable but I will admit whenever I hear someone has had a boy, I feel a shiver of disappointment.  

I am not anti male of any age, although I have, as a feminist, fought the power they often hold. I have often said, if I meet 10 women, nine have the potential of being friends. I meet 10 men, one might become a friend, but that one will be a stronger friend than at least six of the women.

I once belonged to a group where two of the other members brought their children. One had three girls, the other three boys. The three boys would burst into the room and usually cause some kind of disturbance. The three girls would come in and sit quietly occupying themselves.

Not all little girls are angels. Some can be quite witchy. You can substitute a B for the W. And there have been sweet, little boys in my life I've really loved. 

Years ago, the nine-year old boy who lived next door would visit me several times a week and tell me about his life. I looked forward to his visits. 

A few years back, I would have adopted a certain young lad to improve his living conditions, but there was no way I could have legally. Instead I do what I can when I can. 

I know in some countries girls are undesirable. Parents have been know to put them on the hillside to die. The desire for sons in China has caused a wife shortage a few decades later.

Both sexes are only acting on the chromosomes that won the gestation battles in the womb. Maybe the little girl chromosomes don't fight hard enough.

A friend just had a great grand daughter. HURRAY! I can't think of anyone else I'm close to that has had a girl. 

It isn't that I dislike little boys, it's just I prefer little girls.



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