Sunday, December 20, 2020

Why the distrust


Why do people distrust the vaccines despite the desperate state of the world thanks to Covid-19?

There could be several explanations, but one could be a distrust of big pharma who is making huge profits as people die because they can't afford the medicines.

Or it is that they have been known to lie to sell more of their products, sometimes knowing the medicine does harm. 

A CEO of a drug company said he wasn't in the business of saving lives but making a profit.

Women have been considered a cash cow for things like tranquilizers and hormones both which can be needed but not in the amounts prescribed.

Or shall we discuss the opioid crisis?

The responsibility for distrust can go beyond the drug companies. 

Boeing saved money but slipshod training in the case of the Max. When the company was run by engineers that wouldn't have happened. In a recent Bloomberg report question was raised about the FAA's approval. Profit before people again? As for me, I'm willing to pay much more never to fly on a Boeing plane ever.

Yet sometimes things go too far for safety. Kids in Europe open this candy and find a toy. They are forbidden in the U.S. as too dangerous. We won't mention how kids in some states can use guns. 

Not all companies put profit before people. Years ago, poison was found in Tylenol. The company immediately withdrew all their product and told the truth.

Fake news is now applied to facts an opposition doesn't like whether it is fake or not.

There is a solution, but I doubt that it will be applied in today's world.

Truth...what a novel concept.


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