Monday, November 07, 2022



My friend and I have a few things in common and much more where we disagree.

We became friends by accident. I was her client and she was mine depending on the situation. We live on different continents.

I had taken her to dinner where there was wonderful chocolate cake. We dispensed with business in the first few minutes than began a bonding process that would last decades. On the next visit we shared a fondue at Café de Soleil, a chicken from a French marché. We've shared her favorite Chinese restaurant of hers and lobster in the U.S. 

Thanks to her I discovered rainbow bagels.

The more we talked the less we had in common. She was Republican. I was a socialistic leaning Democrat. Not many people of these political differences can remain friends. We did.

She was a shopper. I consider every minute in a mall stolen from my life. In a little shop in the Pyrenees where we went together, I found a sweater I loved and still have and I never wear it without conjuring up memories of a great day.

She always has a nice car. I didn't have a car for almost 20 years and it was only because of marriage that I have one now. I don't like grocery shopping, but she has a wonderful one near her house, where we bought goodies to devour later.

She has visited me in Europe: I've visited her in the United States. 

We've investigated medieval sites and Teddy Roosevelt's home. We even went to a paper manufacturer using old fashioned techniques. Paper out of elephant dung and old my mother used to say, "Who'd have thunk it?"

This past week, we ran into opposites that left us laughing.

I had a bad fall DOWN stairs. She had a bad fall earlier UP stairs. We can't even agree on the best way to fall ON stairs.

I'm thrilled DST is over. I love the dark nights, pjs, books, TV, snuggling with my dog and husband. It's not that I don't like summer nights -- I do. But I find the long nights provide a cozy cocoon that I revel in. And on the 21st for the winter solstice I will bring in a live Christmas tree to celebrate the turning of the earth toward spring. Setting the clocks back is a happy, happy day. I feel like I'm given an extra hour of life.

 She emailed me her feelings on the end of DST: "Tonight is, and always was, the most depressing night of each year for me. I already have been depressed as sunset comes earlier and earlier and having the clock set back an hour tonight sets a deeper depression until early spring where I literally watch every day for the sun to start setting later and later. Each precious minute of light brightens my life so much.  When it gets dark early, I feel my life is being shortened much too too quickly.  It can be as dark as black outside in the morning but in the afternoon and evening, I need to be outside with light, light, and more light. Besides my electric bill skyrockets in the winter. The meter spins and spins so fast you can’t see it. Every light in the house is on all day and all night until I go to bed."

" know you like darkness in winter. It makes me feel much better that one of us is happy with it."

Maybe we are friends because we can take pleasure in the other's pleasures, have sympathy for the down times, without judgment, but understanding.

Love ya R.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you too my friend!