Friday, February 11, 2022

Mud pies


I came across a list of things referring back to my childhood (see at the end).
What stopped me was mud pies. Outside our backdoor we had a small garden. Much of the time it wasn't planted, which made it ideal for mud pies. Even when there was no rain, a nearby hose was perfect of turning the dirt into mud.
My grandmother loaned me various molds, spoons, etc. 
In my mind I pretended I was the chef on a cooking show. I'd do the commentary as I mixed up my creations. Sometimes, I would add spices and other goodies (really pebbles, pieces of bark, leaves, petals) carefully describing to my imaginary TV audience.

My creations would be put to bake in the sun, also described as a wall-less oven. Later in the day, I would come back and unmould my delicacies with more commentary.

My grandmother never complained about washing the mud-coated utensils.

A generation that walked to school and then walked back.
A generation that did their homework alone to get out asap to play in the street.
A generation that spent all their free time on the street with their Friends.
A generation that played hide and seek when dark.
A generation that made mud cakes.
A generation that collected sports cards.
A generation that found, collected and washed & Returned empty coke bottles to the local grocery store for 5 cents each , then bought a Mountain Dew and candy bar with the money.
A generation that made paper toys with their bare hands.
A generation who bought vinyl albums to play on record players.
A generation that collected photos and albums of clippings.
A generation that played board games and cards on rainy days.
A generation whose TV went off at midnight after playing the National Anthem.
A generation that had parents who were there.
A generation that laughed under the covers in bed so parents didn't know we were still awake.
A generation that is passing and unfortunately it will never return!!..

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