Thursday, February 03, 2022

Your day to cook my day to...


Years ago I shared a house with a man and woman. We would take turns cooking. There was a rule: whoever cooked, didn't clean. There was a corollary: Whoever cooked better cook neat. 

When I married my husband and we made a deal. I'd cook, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evening. He was on kitchen duty Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Also he produced restaurant-buffet quality Sunday morning breakfast which meant my Sunday contribution was usually very light. 

Since he had never cooked before we married with the exception of Spanish rice, my husband would scour cookbooks and the internet for recipes. Never an adventurous eater, he wasn't sure about herbs and seasonings, but he had a natural flair for trying different tastes, most which worked well, very well. 

Both of us had the right to substitute a restaurant, sometimes so often when we appeared at our local favorite eating establishment, the staff would say, "Oh, it's your day to cook, Rick (or Donna-Lane)."

We also established, the chef never cleaned up, but my husband often did both, claiming he had made a mess. I love him for that but do feel guilty sometimes -- it depends on the condition of the kitchen.

Our meals may be simple or elaborate. We may have music. Lunch is the main meal of the day and it is sacrosanct that we eat together.

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