Thursday, September 15, 2022

Almost OCD, colors and towels

My husband has three blue towels, I have three beige. Sherlock has a rust colored and green. Color has no relation to gender, species or any other symbolism.We don't need more in our often failed attempts to be minimalist, this is one of the successes.

If I hang up the towels I like them to have the edges to the right and the decorations matching. For some reason, the blue towels bought at Gifi at the same time we bought the beige only have the decorations on one bottom. I am not so OCD that if his does not match mine, I will change it, but when it happens and I see them like that, I smile.

And so they wear evenly, I like to take fresh towels from the bottom. 

I do like systems though like red hangars for me, purple for him and white for something that needs to be ironed. Yes, I do iron but not carefully so I can't be accused of being overly OCD. And if you put forks, spoons, etc. together in the dishwasher it is easier to unload...plunk, plunk, plunk into the silverware drawer, no sorting necessary.

Wedding vows should include, in sickness, health and idiosyncrasies.  My husband is good in accepting mine and I try to do the same for his even without the wedding vow.

The other day, I was talking to him about the towel hanging, and I notice that since then when he showers second, the towel is hung the way I like. It is a gift, a big gift, I think every time I look at them. I suspect, however, as he hangs the towel there's a whole lot of eye rolling and head shaking going on.

Over all, it is not really important. I think of the women who complain about towels left on the floor. That we share a lot of the household chores, means I'm one lucky woman. The fact he's a great husband makes me luckier with or with towels hung a certain way.


1 comment:

Ellen Lebelle said...

This made me chuckle. It's so familiar to us!