Friday, September 30, 2022

Three projects


This summer was a writing wash for me because of the canicule/heatwave. I would do a bit but mostly I found myself just wanting to not move at all.

Now we are into the blessed autumn cool and the words that floated through my mind melted before they hit my fingers and keyboard are back.

There are three projects I'm working on,

1, An anthology of my short stories and poems, some published, some not. It is under the title: The Corporate Virgin, a prize winner. It also includes the story read on the BBC. Most were written in the 1990s, and I found ways to tighten them. 

2. 365 Extraordinary Women: This will be non fiction. I'm trying to find 365 women, one of each day of the year who were not recognized during their life time. I put out requests and I have about 100 more to go. A friend in Canada has supplied many. She  deserves to be listed as a co-author. In the first stage, I have them listed by date with holes for missing dates and preliminary notes. Once I have all, I will start the writing after more research.

3. Twins will be a story of two sets of adult twins from the same family, three of which have survived. One was killed in Afghanistan. His twin is partner in a Woman's News Agency based in Geneva, Switzerland. Her kid sister is left to care of their aging parents while running the family business as the CFO. She should have been CEO but their father is of another time and made sure her twin brother was CEO. The twins have a deal. The brother can sit in the CEO's office and write his novel, while she builds the business. I thought of subplots and twists as I was melting in July and August so maybe the summer wasn't wasted.

It is good to be back in writing mode. However, the next two weeks we will be in Scotland, a country I adore. My husband is indulging himself in his beloved hickory golf, and I'm looking forward to the Edinburgh Story Festival. 

As much as writing is driving me, so is living.

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