Thursday, February 16, 2023

Exploring a New Village

 Move is a four letter word. 

I've moved over 25x including five international moves.Some were easier, a different flat in the same building. None were easy.

Thus when our wonderful landlords wanted to sell, and we weren't part of the purchase price, we felt happy for them sad for us. 

Also worried. 

Finding flats in Geneva Switzerland via the real estate agencies is a challenge along with the competition for them. We needed a dossier that proved we would be the best candidate that was so complete, it almost revealed our DNA.

How lucky we were to find a similar situation in a nearby village with what looks like will be another two exceptional landlords.

We move March 1.

Yesterday we decided to explore our new village, which is even smaller -- some 2,000+ people. It goes back to Roman times, but except for a pillar or two not much has been excavated.

We started with the Tuesday marché, which is from the same farm which pitches its stand in Corsier, our old village. No problem loading up on good veggies. The stand to the right had all kinds of good pastries and it seemed a good way to start our relationship was the purchase of some almond cookies.

We aren't sure where Sherlock will have to explore. At our old place there were three docks, a farm, a château once owned by the Aga Khan, and a tennis court.

Then we found this park with paths to wander and much to sniff. He can't run loose. Each tree is named. 

At this point we were hungry, so decided to try the Auberge de Vondoeouvres. Despite it being a small town, the restaurant has a great menu, great service. We met the owners and their two dogs and some of the wait staff. 

Rick had a spaghetti with extras and Sherlock and I shared a rabbit in mustard sauce, the menu du jour.

As much as I will miss our old flat including the music that filters downstairs from time to time, I'm also looking forward to our new place. We are about the same distance from town and there's great bus service into Geneva throughout the day. It doesn't matter if it is an E or a 33 bus. Although we own a car, we are not car dependent.

The Swiss are allegedly hard to get to know, but we chatted with two smiley women in the restaurant and a young mother with a son. Now we need to try the bakery and find more sniffing paths for our dog.

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