Saturday, February 04, 2023

What's for lunch?"


I'm trying to decide what to make for lunch." Rick and I were still in bed reading, the dog snuggled between us.

It was his day to cook. His days are Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and a big breakfast Sunday morning. Mine are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and a light supper supper.

Our meals can be anything from elaborate, including new and experimental recipes, to "how do I use up the leftovers in the frigo?"

On any day, the chef can decide to "cook" at La Bronzette, Flowers, La Lola, Gamette, Sushi, Kabob Place, Les Trois Frères, Marro, Le Cottage, Café du Soleil, or any other restaurant in either South of France or Geneva within a reasonable distance. Where we were regulars we are teased about it with the staff saying, "I see it's your day to cook." Usually it's directed at Rick, but I could be as responsible.

This choice of home cooked or restaurant was a far cry from my first marriage where my ex-husband never wanted to eat at a restaurant. The few times we did, the restaurant burned down shortly after. I don't think he was responsible.

I did appreciate that my mother sometimes took me to a restaurant, Fieldstone's in Andover being my favorite for its buffet where I learned to strategically stack my plate.

When I shared a house in Geneva, I'd be writing on the first floor (2nd American) and she'd be in her office in the basement. One or the other would send an e-mail saying Marro? Marc's? and we would meet in the foyer ready to eat.

When I lived with another couple in Boston we all took turns cooking. We also ate out a lot, especially on Friday nights where we ate, listened to the street musicians and bought the books for the week.

Since we are about to move at the end of the month, we are trying to rid ourselves of any extras. I don't know what Rick is planning but this was on the kitchen top.

 I wonder what he'll put with it.

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