Tuesday, February 21, 2023

To do Lists


Our lives are filled with diddly squat things to do. Not exciting things, but things that need to get done. 

After years of trying on-line reminders I went back to paper.

Both Rick and I have written lists. He uses ClaireFontaine notebooks with its pages of neat little squares. He makes bigger squares and maps out a week day by day. I'm impressed, really impressed.

I used ClaireFontaine notebooks for many years for my journals. The larger ones were also good for pasting in articles, poems, and other memorabilia. Blogging seems to have replaced journaling. When I couldn't find a notebook that pleased me aesthetically for my to-do list, I added teddy bear stickers. It makes checking the list a little less onerous.

Sometimes the to-do list can run 25 items. Other times it's only a few.

At the moment here is the list.

  1. Vote: This votation is one of four each year reminding me that I live in as close to democracy as possible.
  2. Buy makeup, cranberry sauce, canned pumpkin. Hopefully the American store will have them to take down to our place in France.
  3. Nest. Can't do this until we go south. Somehow my Nest, the studio, has had people add stuff and it needs to be cleaned out of anything, anything, anything extra. Cannot lose my anger that a guest exchanged a loved shower curtain of a perfect color replacing it with boring white. Another bought an ugly plastic dustpan when I'd commissioned an artist to paint a special one. At least she didn't throw out the artist's.
  4. Change mailing address everywhere.
  5. Change registration from the village we live in to the village we will move too.
  6. Buy cell phone.
  7. Taxes
  8. Return library books when library reopens.
  9. Go to Collette exhibition
  10. Ask Rick about tickets for GEDS production of Betrayal

This week after a year on the list I could check of Send off for Canadian passport. Having a list doesn't eliminate procrastination.

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