Friday, July 02, 2021

Dear NSA, Alexa



 Dear NSA and Alexa...

A few years ago, I wrote NSA regularly to keep it updated on my whereabouts when I was off grid, which was as often as possible. Then I got caught up in other writing and figured you would just have to survive without knowing my every move.

But now there's you Alexa. I refuse to have you in my house. You might see me at the physio when Jerome, my therapist plays music we've been discussing but you will never darken my door. My life with remain secret from you. You are extending your data sharing via Ring. Good thing I didn't install Ring. I'd have to uninstall it.

I have a mobile phone, but only because my husband insists. I call it a camera. I know the Swiss government can trace me on it as evidenced by the fact they called me within minutes of my crossing the French-Swiss border to tell me I needed to be in quarantine.

I could go cold turkey and go off grid completely, but I'd miss the internet even if it is a pain the way different companies inundate me with ads based on what I've done on-line. Little do they know, they will never, ever sell me anything. It probably won't hurt their bottom line, because they will get enough results from others.

My life should not be of interest to any of the businesses or governments who are spying on me. I read, I write, I talk with my husband, I play with my dog. I do not represent a security threat or an opportunity to make money.

You can also find me on Facebook, this blog, and my website which reveals some of my inner thoughts. It would be nice if you'd buy some of my novels.

So dear NSA, Alexa and all you other spying devices, I wish you a pleasant day, preferably away from me.



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