Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mabon is tomorrow

Tomorrow is Mabon, the pagan celebration of the fall harvest and autumn equinox. The fields and gardens are lush with fruits, but the days are growing shorter. Now the garbage men come hours before sunrise instead of with the sun peeking through the window.
I too will celebrate by decorating my flat with nuts, pine cones and sage. Not only it is good for memory, its smell pervades the room already, and I will add a few leave to the tarte of red onions and girofle (mushrooms) that I will make. Dessert will be Muscat grapes and raspberries.
But mostly I will consider the joy of the natural forces of the world that provide me with food, water and air. I will remember the simple over the complicated, the natural over the artificial and I will be thankful for the truly rich life I live.

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