Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feline Fountain

My daughter's almost coon cat, the Lady Guinevere, AKA The Lady Gwen, refuses to drink still water. No, we don't have to buy bottled fizzy water. A dripping faucette used to solve the problem, but that can add to the water bill and the drip, drip, drip is crazy producing. Plus the Lady Gwen no longer thinks to check out the sinks. She is a specialist in beauty not brains.

Then my daughter found the solution, a kitty fountain. It rotates water silently.

My daughter left for work leaving the fountain off. The Lady Gwen would walk by the fountain and stare it. The water did not starting running. She sat by it and either had a real mini-simulated asthma attack or a real one, hoping to produce a guilt trip. By now she shuld know our family doesn't do guilt trips.

No matter how thirsty she was, she was not about to take sip, although I am sure she was wondering if I would believe her if she fake-fainted from thirst.

I tried to turn the fountain on. I ran my hand over inch of it. Nothing.

As soon as my daughter walked in the door, I asked my daughter. There was tube that had slipped out of sight. She attached and the Lady Gwen took a long drink.

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