Thursday, April 22, 2010

Left or right

It has nothing to do with politics. Usually, when I head for the lake as a reward for a good writing day, I go right. I never knew there was a left (although those that know my politics, may be chocking at this point). I discovered a road that in the six years I've lived here I didn't know existed. Before you think I am totally stupid, the road is hidden behind the boatyard. I discovered among other things these beautiful dandelions, and even though most people think of them as weeds, I find that beautiful, not to mention how good the leaves are in salad.

I discovered a grassy bathing beach under the trees, that I must remember if I am here on a hot day.

I wonder what wife of this man is like to capture such an accolade? I assume the person who put up the sign is American, not just because the sign is in English, but because it so unSwiss.

I would love to meet the person who put the logo of a luxury watch on a beaten up old garbage can.

And I stumbled across a memorial to a pilot who had landed their. The monument is dated 1911????

There was this very strange mosaic fly outside a very normal house.

Meanwhile the birdsong was beautiful and the smell of flowers in old and new houses was florist shop strong.

Left is good.

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