Friday, May 05, 2023

ASM Morning

 One of the most wonderful things about being retired (if you don't count writing books) is not having to jump out of bed to get to the office.

My husband is also "retired" but writes professionally, works conferences, consults, etc. 

The difference is now we have more control of our time, which means our commute is across the flat to the laptops. Deadlines are usually of our own making so we have time to run out to see the sunset, sit in cafés and enjoy life at our speed.

One of my favorite activities when I first open my eyes in the morning is when we are in our second home in France is to stretch and gaze out on our patio through the heart curtains, a kinda symbol of how much I love my two guys in the bed with me.

One is my husband. The other is a seven kilo rescue pup named Sherlock. This dog usually likes to sleep in and when he wakes it is more for cuddles. Anywhere from eight to ten, he decides to tell my husband "Get up, walkies."

My husband makes me tea almost every morning. Only when we are going on a trip where WCs may not be as handy as my bladder would like does he not.

He brings my tea in a bowl, something I learned to love when I lived near Toulouse with a French family. There is always a biscuit. The teas perfume the room depending on what they are: black, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, caramel. 

We read in bed: emails, headlines, books, magazines sharing things that would interest the other. 

By nine, it is usually time to start the day which will be better for having been gentled into it.

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