Sunday, October 12, 2014

Köln in untraditional photos.

Although we had less than 24 hours in Köln we still found time to poke around and enjoy it.

I've fought NOT to have photos of myself or anyone else with me staring at the camera in front of whatever famous building or statue. I can always find the photos of landmarks elsewhere, and I don't have to prove I was there.

My photos, however, might not be identifiable as any particular place. I promise these are all from Köln.

Rick and I had a wonderful buffet with a smiley waitress than took a quick look-see including the Dom (Kathedral).

Here's some photos.

I loved the spires and the trees.

Pigeons taking a bath.

Metal man at the top of a building.

Inside the Kathedral. A mass was being sung and the sound, the incense and the candles brought to mind the thousands and thousands and thousands that have heard mass in the church over the centuries.

Stained glass at the Kathedral.

The chocolate we bought next to a geranium. I always liked red and brown together.

Scooby II poses in front of the Kathedral. I guess I couldn't avoid one cliché photo.

In front of the Kathedral. Someone has a sense of humour.

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