Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The common cold

My mother use to caution me not to be common. Common was when I chewed gum in public, when I didn't fold my legs at the ankles, and other archaic social rules. Common to my grandmother was going out without a proper hat.

Now I have the common cold.

I'm doing all the common cold things: sniffling, sneezing, coughing.

I might not mind being common and chew gum in public, but this common cold is just plain annoying.

So I am trying the baking soda method, licking ginger, going back to contact.

Excuse me while I go sneeze, cough and snuffle commonly.


Susanne said...

Have you tried echinacea? The liquid drop form works pretty well for me - but better at the start, before it gets a grip so maybe this comes too late. Sounds like it might be a consequence of all those flights.

And brandy may not make it better - but it can help make you feel like it's better!

DL NELSON said...

I hadn't thought of echinaxea. I sometimes take it before a flight but we were so caught up in each leg that it slipped my mind.