Sunday, July 03, 2005

Live Aid/Live 8

When Live Aid played I was living in a condo that I adored on The Riverway in Boston. My daughter was a teenager and we lived in amazing harmony considering our various hormonal stages of puberty and menopause. I dreamed of living in Europe. I wanted to be a published fiction writer. It was hot.

Live 8 was on yesterday. The lack of progress is sad. Even with the forgiving of debt, there are so many issues not talked about enough if at all – arms sales, affordable drugs, and reaching the corporate paymasters of our politicians, micro finance. My daughter is grown. I live in Europe. My novels are being published. It was hot.

Will Smith and the cross continental finger snapping every three seconds indicating the death of a child. One finger snap is worth a million words made and I wanted to cry at so much pain that exists needlessly out of greed.

I hear so many people complain about wanting this or that, but I never forget the fact that I am richer than most of the people who live or have ever lived in the world. At one time owning a needle made a woman wealthy. Even with a studio and a small place in Geneva that those with McMansions would turn up their noses at, I feel truly, truly, truly blessed. Sadly, there are those that have not fulfilled their dreams because of poverty.

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