Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sleeping Over

I spent the night with the Indian family at my old address. When living on the other side of the lake, my apartment house floor was a joy of internationals. During my eleven years there I had the pleasure of meeting English, Russians, Czechs, Kenyans, Japanese and Italians. I have stayed close to the English couple and still talk to the Couple Czech every now and then.

However during my last few years at François Lehman, the Indian family and my Syrian girl friend and I became almost a triumvirate with tooings and frooings, shared teas, meals, epiphanies with the special 12th night cake, holidays, dance and play performances, book readings, movies and outings. Even Sunday morning breakfasts when we would show up in pajamas, not needing to change or rush during a lazy winter morning felt special. To me these were golden times. I am lucky we are still building memories that moving hasn’t diminished the warmth and the pleasure of sharing just being together.

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