Friday, January 18, 2008


I know this will be hard for people who know me to believe but I am taking a newsbreak until Monday…It was Kucinich not being allowed to debate that put me over the edge. Not that I think he stands a ghost of a chance but the media so far seems to be dictating who the top candidates will be by their choices of questions, etc. And how do we get all the issues on the table if only mainstream candidates are allowed the floor, which I am sure is the point in keeping Kuchinich out in the same way Nader was kept out.

I am sure there is a Ph.D thesis in their somewhere. One source has already examined that questions about the environment have been in the single digits. Looking at transcripts or getting the bits and pieces that I can glean from C-span I haven’t heard a lot about habeas corpus being restored or the crumbling infrastructure either in the debates.

On Monday I will go back to scanning papers from the US, Canada, UK, France, Switzerland, Israel (Palestine) and whatever other country is making headlines. I am sure the world will survive without my monitoring but will I?

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