Wednesday, April 12, 2023

It Takes a Village to Raise aDog

 It was one of those days.

9:00 a.m. Meet with Swiss neighbors for coffee at l'Hostalet for coffee.

10:00 Rick goes back to the house to meet with Gigi friend/plumber about  the leak under the sink.

11:15 Take Sherlock to the toilettage for a bath, face and nail trim. Ask what time to pick him up. Send Rick to double check time. Think she says 15:30.


12:30 head to lunch at Danish friends. Try out my new cane to help sore hip, ankle, knee. Have a wonderful meal and great conversation in a warm, friendly home.

14:55 Get phone call from the Swiss friends we had coffee earlier with telling us they have Sherlock. They will explain when we pick him up, they say. Finish dessert and limp home to pick up dog and find out how he ended up at their house. All locations are within a block.

15:30 Turn down Swiss friend's street  to see Sherlock with friends talking to our French neighbor friend, Sylvie. 

Learn the story.

Between, English, French and Russian accents we didn't get the pick up time right between us. Lovely toiletage, owner is worried. 

French friend Sylvie brought her Westie Muffin (pronounced moofen) in for her bath. Owner explains she's worried that Sherlock has not been picked up.

Sylvie takes Sherlock from the Swiss friends who live across the street from each other and around the block from us. The Swiss friends phone us. They take Sherlock in who is ill at ease while waiting for us. The Swiss man takes Sherlock for a walk.

15:32 We take Sherlock home. He is overjoyed to see us.

15:45 we go to  toilettage to pay the owner and apologize. We decide next time to write down times for pick up rather than worry about accents and mispronunciation. Speak to Muffin who is on the grooming table.

Back home plumber arrives to fix leak. Looks and says first thing, "I see you found Sherlock." 

He knows the story. Have no idea how. Hard to keep a secret in a small village. At the same time everyone helps. It takes a village to raise a dog.


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