Monday, January 10, 2022




RHIP, a phrase I learned as an army wife. Rank has its privileges. It was true then and true now as proven by that disgustingly arrogant tennis player who thought he didn't have to follow the safety rules.

If he had a valid allergy to jabs, than he could have said so.

The courts are letting Djokovic to enter the country without a jab. If I were an Australian who had gone through lockdown or lockout I would be furious. Granted Djokovic has extraordinary talent with a ball and racquet but that doesn't give him the right to endanger others. There are photos taken of him unmasked standing next to kids unmasked. This was just a couple of days after he tested positive with the virus.

He has every right not to get the jab, but then he takes the consequences like every other human being. 

OH, wait a minute...he doesn't care about humanity...if he did he would have taken the jab and not endangered others.

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