Thursday, January 27, 2022

The hidden treat


Sherlock gave the type of bark, we've learned means, "Something is under the couch." When we didn't respond to a second request he tried to dig it out, which would be impossible.

My husband Rick sighed, got up and started to move the couch. It's heavy and at one point almost upset the stand where my laptop rested. I caught it before it fell.

Sherlock watched the couch moving with the same intensity he would as if about to be served a steak dinner.

"Hand me a treat," Rick said. I assumed he meant a dog treat and not one of his own favorite snacks and did.

"There was part of a cookie, the kind that dog shouldn't have."

"Look what I found." Rick handed Sherlock the dog treat. I guess my dog isn't as smart as I thought. He trotted off with the dog treat, the cookie forgotten.

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