Monday, June 13, 2005

Three wives

Barbara, Ruth and I, along with Ruth’s husband, Robin, headed for the medieval city of Minerve, pronounced menerve. In a pun the phrase in French can mean – it annoys me. The village and scenery did anything but annoy us. Minerve made one of the last stands to defend the Cathars.

After wandering the ancient streets, our next step was to buy some of the local Mirepoix regional wine.

Although caves were plentiful, we chose one, which had a beautiful show room. An older man poured various wines. Barbara was interested in buying wine in boxes, certainly something that might shock wine connoisseur pretenders, but wine keeps better in boxes than in bottles.

At one point the salesman said to Robin, “You are lucky to be with three women.” As he poured and talked, we could see him trying to figure out who belonged to Robin. Barbara sat next to Robin in the front seat as the salesman helped carry the boxed wine to the car and we guessed that he had it figured out, but wrongly.

We teased Robin that we should have boosted his macho image by all of us calling him darling or two of us arguing about whom he favored.

In the hotel we stayed at later the same day, Robin received the same comment on his good fortune. Again the inquisitive stares. We wandered up stairs alone so none of the staff knew for sure who was with whom. Since we struggled down to petit dejeuner at different times and since Barbara settled the bill for us all, there was no way they could ever have figured it out.

I suspect, that although Robin, who is a good looking man, loved being thought of as such a source of female attraction, he would not like being a spouse to three very strong women.
An overnight trip should have been enough for him.

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