Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Don't Go Without Me

The house is in a semi-uproar…with one returnee from a couple of years in California and two of us preparing to leave--one to California, one to Argelès--normalcy (whatever that is) is unrealistic.
The suitcases have come out. Things are being brought out, put back, and my housemate and I are rushing to do unfinished odds and ends to the point we suspect life is an odd and end.

However, Munchkin, who is used to our tooing and frooing has made a decision: we aren’t going without her.

At least it is better than my Japanese Chin Amadeus, whom when I wasn’t looking would unpack my suitcase often hiding things.

1 comment:

wilser said...

Have asafe trip -love to Barbara and hope to see you next month.