Monday, October 13, 2008

The button that brings brightness

The living statue along Las Ramblas in Barcelona represented either a big black bird or a creature from the underworld with the talons on his heels, feathers all over his body, a blackened face, beak, and huge wings. He pointed one of his long-talonned fingers at my travelling companion’s chest where she wore her Obama pin.
“I like Obama.” Then he enfolded her in his wings for a photo.
His reaction was like that of so many people we passed. Two Irish couples stopped us and told us for the sake of the US they hoped Obama would win. The woman at the train station, threw up her hands in joy and broke into a smile. People passed us and gave us the thumbs up.
Some merely smiled and nodded, some wanted to talk in depth, but that button was the open sesame of cross cultural communication.
As one man said to me, it isn’t for America he wants Obama to win, it is for the world.

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