Friday, October 17, 2008

I feel sorry for John McCain

Yes, you did read that title correctly.
When I heard that Obama has taken ads on video games, nothing, but nothing, could symbolize more the difference in the two men.
At 66 one of my worries is that I don't keep up with life, which I suppose is one of the reasons if I want news about Palestine or Israel I will look at papers from there, watch BBC's Click to keep up on technical stuff, have friends from all age and nationality groups, etc. Becoming obsolete or irrelevant because I don't know what is going would leave me feeling sad and useless.
McCain admits he can't use a computer or email. He sticks with policies and ideas that obviously, as evidenced by the world financial crisis brought on by the US's negligence in oversight, are not working while Obama is tuning into the tools of the present and the future. Now I am not saying anyone who can use a computer should be president and anyone who can't shouldn't. But I am saying that right now we need someone, who can look for new paths out of the disasters the US is facing internally and externally.
Obama is the future. McCain is the past and I feel sorry for him that he hasn't kept up with what is happening on many levels with the country he hopes to govern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jumbled thoughts have been in my head as to the pitty that John McCain can't appreciate the future if he has no idea how best to access the parts of the world that are affecting its present. You put it so eloquently. Thanks.