Monday, January 12, 2009

A tale of two checkbooks

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...whoops wrong story.

My friend who was in the states asked me to deposit a check and 50 Euros. She gave me the name to the account manager. I went to the bank with her checkbook and mine because I'd forgotten to take it out of my bag. Simple??? WRONG.
The check even without a signature went into her account no problem, but the following dialogue occured between the teller and me when I wanted to put the 50 Euros in cash into the bank.
T: "You can't sign for the cash deposit. You must use the (ATM) card.
M: "The card is in the States."
T: Then you can't put cash into the account without a signature."
M: "Can I sign my name?"
T: Non
M: "But I didn't have to sign the check?"
T: "But you do have to sign for cash."
M: "Cash is liquid, why do I need a signature?"
T: "You need a signature."
M: "Is M. Clerc here." (name of the person I was suppose to go to for problems.)
T: "Non."
I put on my mittens and prepared to leave... Then an idea struck.
M: "Can I put the 50 Euros in my account and then transfer it to my friend's."
T: "Mais oui."
Transaction completed. Sense not found...

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