Saturday, January 19, 2013

Playing with snow

Two Asian-looking men, probably in their mid to late thirties, were standing at the Intercontinental No. 5 Bus stop, which has a shelter.

Both were inside, but they kept sticking out their ungloved hands to catch the snow flakes oohing and aahhing over their size, shape, coldness.

They did not miss the 45-50°C degrees in their home country and bemoaned the fact that Australia has become so hot this year that it was necessary to add another color to register temperature for over 50° -- purple.

"Too much purple," one said, as the other let a flake land on him. "This is the biggest yet."

The other admired the flake.

I'm not sure if they had more pleasure in the act than I had in watching their little.boy joy.

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